Sunday, July 30, 2006

Blue squares

There are blue squares made by Tracy, Chris and me for the Knit a River project from I Knit. It is packaged up now, and will be at the post office soon!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wedding Cake and Stripping Class - does it get any better?

Belated congratulations once again to Chris & Joe on their wedding! And thanks again from all your knitting gals for inviting us to join in the celebration. What a fabulous day, fantastic spread and great company to dance away the day with... and just look at that cake!

Here we are on the train heading into the city for a day of aerobics and dancing, umm, pole dancing, that is. Off to the S Factor studio we go to learn the art of strip tease dancing. And of course, on the way we knit. You can't get more well rounded than this group of ladies :-)

(photo's deleted upon request)

AND to top it all off, Christ taught herself to knit!

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